Rich people supporting socialism/communism, which ultimate goal is confiscating their wealth!

Their rich proponents supporting tax raises on the rest of the population, while using any loophole and deductible in the book to lower theirs!

Supporting the homeless and occasionally spending a night in their dumps to show compassion, while never inviting them in their huge mansions!

Trying to help the poor by forced redistribution of wealth through legislation, while their charitable contributions are laughable and pitiful!

Feminism alliance with transgenderism, whose minions support men disguised as women stealing their sports!

The death squad of abortion, euthanasia and many other kinds of eugenics, who are also against the death penalty for even the worst criminals!

The tolerance of any imaginable kinds of sins and sinners, while promoting total intolerance toward those that just disagree with them!

Espousing total censorship against perceived enemies, while taking advantage and benefiting from the freedom of speech rights to deliver their garbage and obscenities even to the most young and vulnerable in society!

Using arms and inciting revolution to take over the country by force, while pursuing the confiscation of guns from the population, in the name of gun control!

Accepting unfiltered and unlimited illegal immigration while complaining that conservative governors are sending them to the Democratic controlled cities!

Are against building border fences to protect the invasion of this country, while having their homes and even their neighborhoods surrounded by fences, gates and all kinds of security!

Moving away from the filth brought upon cities and states they controlled and trying to export their policies to their new places of residence!

About Cristian Ionescu

Pastor Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church Chicago, USA

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