Numai ce am primit știrea, nici nu știu dacă să mă bucur încă, sau dacă e așa, dar se pare că în urma presiunilor internaționale, în Norvegia s-a dat legea ca Barnevernetul să dea înapoi spre repatriere copiii luați din familii etnice!

Oameni buni, se pare că sistemul se prăbușește! Am verificat din mai multe surse știrea și înțeleg că e adevărat! Marius și Ruth au fost alertați și au încercat să verifice, există materialul publicat, în norvegiană, dar ei au înțeles și sunt optimiști!

Am cerut Domnului să le dea copiii înapoi și El a hotărât să dărâme sistemul opresiv! Doamne dă să fie așa! Încă mă frec la ochi!

Acum, nu ne putem permite să ne oprim! Dacă e o farsă (ceea ce nu cred) cu atât mai mult, dar și dacă e adevărat, nu uităm de copiii din familii de norvegieni creștini! Se pare că Domnul ne dă în mâini o mare biruință și nu avem voie să ne mulțumim cu puțin!

Pentru adevăr și dreptate, pentru copii și familii nedreptățite, pentru munca și sacrificiul lui Cristi Țepeș și a multora, continuăm protestele și demersurile cu mai mult avânt!

Materialul este AICI.

About Cristian Ionescu

Pastor Elim Romanian Pentecostal Church Chicago, USA


  1. ooo ce bucurie ar fi
    dar pana nu ne va confirma Marius si Ruth ca pruncii lor sunt in familie
    voi fi sceptica.
    hartii si vorbe au mai fost dorim fapte
    ajuta_ne Doamne

    • Draga frate Ionescu,

      Mai mult incurca mesajul Dvs. de mai sus decat ajuta. In curand cineva va traduce acel articol din Norvegiana, dar este o chestiune de politica si proceduri de-acum incolo si nu stim daca va afecta in mod direct fam. Bodnariu. Familia mea din alte tari si zari imi spune ca este plin FB ca vor fi inapoiati copiii, cand colo, cei care traiesc in Norvegia spun ca asta este foarte indepartat.

      • Este o realitate care nu poate fi ocolită de noi, chiar dacă s-ar dovedi a fi fost doar o farsă. Nu puteam să nu informăm – cu rezervele de rigoare – comunitatea care este atât de afectată și susține cu atâta drag familia Bodnariu. Mai mult, suntem într-un moment în care a trecut vremea strategiilor, a lovitului de scuturi cu săbiile. Să citească, să traducă și să știe!

    • Mare victorie o sa aiba copii Domnului,nu dam inapoi,inainte cu post si rugaciune plus pichetari in masa la amb.Norvegiei din statele Americi si nu numai dar sa nu uitam ca Victoria”’e a Dumnezeului nostru fara EL””nu putem nimic Lauda Domnului!!!!

    • Slava Domnului fr.Cristian Ionescu,daca e adevarat

    • Sa nu fim ca cei care se rugau pentru Petru cind a fost in inchisoare , iar cind Petru a ajuns la usa ,cei dinauntru (care se rugau )nu au crezut !!! Dumnezeu va lucra pina la capat. !!!!

  2. Sa nu fie o farsa cu scopul sa ne faca sa credem ca putem lasa „armele” jos. Dar cat de frumos ar fi. Oricum astia trebuiesc desfintati ca sa nu le mai poate creste coltii.

  3. Deprivation of parental responsibility When the County Board has decided to take a child into care, it may also decide that the parents should be deprived of parental responsibility in full, cf. Child Welfare Act § 4-20 first paragraph. Deprivation of parental responsibility means that parents no longer have participation rights in decisions about the child. When parents are deprived of parental responsibility must appoint a new guardian for the child.
    The Child Welfare Act applies to all persons residing in the country, but the main principle is that intervention by the Child Welfare Act must be adapted to the stay varighet.22 Child’s ties to Norway will thus be of importance when assessing whether the County Board may deprive the parents custody.
    Deprivation of parental responsibility is a very radical measure and the Ministry believes that it is only in very special cases, decisions about deprivation of parental responsibility when the child and the parents do not have permanent residence permit or permanent right of residence in Norge.23 must be made an assessment on the basis of the circumstances of the individual case. It may be necessary and the child’s best depriving parental responsibility in situations where parents have disappeared so important decisions on which parental responsibility can be taken care of a guardian.
    If the child welfare service is in doubt about the family’s residency status, the services must obtain information from the immigration authorities about the status of the immigration issue and the child and family situation and family relations, to have the matter adequately illuminated. Such information must be submitted to the County Board. 3.6 Forced Adoption When parents are deprived of parental responsibility for the child, can the County Board give consent for adoption against parental will if the terms of the Child Welfare Act § 4-20 second and third paragraphs have been met. Consent may be granted if it must be considered likely that parents will be permanently unable to give the child proper care, or that the child has become so attached to humans and the environment where it is, that after an overall assessment can lead to serious problems for the child if it being moved. In addition, it requires the adoption would be best for the child, that the prospective adoptive parents have been foster parents for the child and has proven fit to raise the child as his own. A further requirement is that the conditions for granting adoption by the Adoption Act are present. Among other things, the requirement that children who have reached twelve years must consent. A decision on the compulsory adoption 21 See section 1.8 on changing the Child Welfare Act 01/02 as a result of Norwegian ratification of the Hague Convention 1996. 22 Cf.. Proposition. no. 44 (1991-1992) pp. 17-18. 23 See more about immigration law in Section 1.5

    must comply with the Convention and the European Convention on Human Rights, including Article 8 on the right to family life.
    Forced Adoption is a very radical measure, which means that the legal bond between parents and children, and other family broken. The Child Welfare Act applies to all children residing in the country, but the main principle is that intervention by the Child Welfare Act must be adapted to length of stay. The child’s ties to Norway will thus be of importance when assessing whether the County Board may give consent for adoption against parental will.
    The Ministry is of the opinion that there should be a decision on adoption against parental will when the child and the parents do not have permanent residence permit or permanent right of residence in Norway. 24 Have the child welfare services promoted issue of forced adoption where the child and the family have an immigration case the services must submit to the county board information from the immigration authorities about the status of the immigration issue and the child and family situation and family relationships.
    The Child Welfare Act do not close that it may, decisions on adoption against parental will when a child is closely related to another country, for example by nationality. The child’s attachment to another country, however, will be a key factor in the assessment of whether the coercive adoption is necessary and best for the child, taking into account inter alia the child’s language, culture and religion. It also follows the Adoption Act § 18 that it should be given to whether it would involve considerable disadvantage for the child if the adoption will be valid in this country as the child has strong connection to. This should be included as a factor in assessing whether the adoption is in the child’s best, ref. Adoption Act §§ 2 and 18. Children with foreign citizenship who is adopted by a Norwegian citizen becomes a citizen by adoption if the child is below 18 years of the time of adoption. The child is automatically given Norwegian citizenship and has retained its original statsborgerskap.25
    4 In particular the possibility of alternative monitoring of the child abroad 4.1 Cases where child welfare services are considering to bring proceedings for a care for some children, it may be best for the child that parents receive help from family / network abroad or foreign child welfare authorities to safeguard the child, above one into care and placement in Norway. This will partly depend on the child’s connection to Norway and the child’s attachment to another country, for example through citizenship, former place of residence, language, culture, family and networks. The child welfare service shall take the child’s ties with Norway and other countries in the assessment of what measures are necessary and the child.
    The Child Welfare Act currently has no rules on placing children in foster homes or institutions abroad as a measure under the Child Welfare Act. The child welfare service can not determine that the child must leave Norway or probed by persons or authorities abroad. For a child to be discharged abroad as an alternative to a child welfare services in Norway, this must be done in cooperation with parents. Only parents can decide that a child should move abroad. Parents can determine this by virtue of their parental responsibility, provided
    24 See Children, Equality and Social Inclusion statements about forced adoption of Proposition. no. 64 (20042005) concerning amendments to the Law of 17 July 1992 no. 100 relating to child welfare services and the Act of 13 December 1991 No.. 81 Social Services (Social Services Law), etc. p. 40. 25 The child will then have dual citizenship. See Law on Norwegian citizenship on 10 June 2005 no. 51 (Citizenship Act) § 5. See Proposition. no. 41 (2004-2005) p. 75.

    child welfare services has not taken temporary emergency decisions or taken care of the child. If parents initially did not want the child shall be protected abroad, should the child welfare service may still enter into a dialogue with parents and foreign authorities to examine whether it is best for the child to receive care abroad.
    If the child welfare service considering a care order and the child is closely related to another country, it is important that the child welfare services are considering whether the child can receive care from other family / network or authorities in the country. How extensive studies must be must be assessed inter alia from the child’s ties with Norway and other countries. The child welfare service can not even conduct investigations outside our borders and in such cases depends on collaboration with the child’s parents and governments abroad. The child welfare service may request information from and publish information to foreign authorities if the parents consent or if the purpose of the information exchange is to safeguard barnet.26 child welfare service may also contact Norwegian embassies in the relevant country for assistance. Based on information from parents or foreign authorities, child welfare service, for example, examine the aunts, uncles or grandparents abroad who wish to safeguard the child or if the child can receive assistance from foreign child welfare authorities.
    Norwegian immigration authorities may also have relevant information about family relations in Norway or abroad as it is disclosed in the immigration case, and other factors that are of importance to have knowledge of such relevant land information. If your family has an immigration or child welfare services have doubts about the family’s residency status, the services must obtain information from the immigration authorities.
    If the child welfare service believes the best solution would be that the child receives follow-up abroad, there will be no need for the child welfare service forms a case concerning care. The Ministry is aware that the child welfare service in such cases will face demanding reviews. The assessments are still necessary to decide what kind of follow-up that will be best for the child.
    Also parents can work with their embassy and the home country’s authorities to obtain information about alternative monitoring abroad. Such information parents should submit to the child welfare service. It’s child welfare service has a responsibility to clarify the case. The child welfare service must consider information from parents about alternative monitoring abroad. If the child welfare service may still choose to bring proceedings for a care need information on alternative monitoring abroad and welfare service assessment included in the request for action sent the County Board. Parents can also self via his lawyer put forward information in their tilsvar.27
    County Council must undertake an overall assessment of all information in the case and determine whether the conditions for care orders are fulfilled, including whether the adoption will be required and the child. In this assessment, it will be important if the parents can give the child proper care abroad, possibly with assistance from family / network or foreign authorities.
    26 See more cooperation and information exchange with foreign authorities in Section 9. 27 Cf. Child Welfare Act § 7-11.

    4.2 Repeal of care order if it is hit a care order must care takeover repealed for parents legally be able to take the child to go abroad. This also applies if the parents want to get help from family / network or authorities abroad to safeguard the child. If parents take the child out of the country without the adoption is revoked, it will be an illegal abduction from barnevernet.28 Only the County Board can revoke a care order, cf.. Child Welfare Act § 4-21. County Council can only repatriate child to his parents, and not directly to other people or foreign myndigheter.29
    Changing circumstances in the child and family situation, may indicate that the child welfare services or parental forms a case for revocation of a care order. Some parents may have had a temporary work emanating while the child is under child welfare care. Others may have been in an asylum seeker phase and parents have had their application for a residence permit and must leave Norway (see more on this in Section 8). These are examples of significant changes in the child’s situation that may call for new county committee handling. The child welfare service has a particular responsibility to evaluate whether it should submit a proposal to the County Board for revocation of adoption.
    The County Council shall revoke a care order when it is highly probable that the parents can give the child proper care. The decision shall not be revoked if the child has become so attached to humans and the environment where it is, that after an overall assessment can lead to serious problems for the child if it is moved, see Child Welfare Act § 4-21 first paragraph. The decisive factor will be the interests of the child, cf. Child Welfare Act § 4-1 first paragraph.
    It can not be excluded that parents in some cases can give your child proper care with help from family / network or authorities abroad. This must however be weighed against the child’s attachment to the foster home (or institution). It must be made a specific assessment of whether it would be best for the child to revoke a care order. In this assessment, it will be relevant to look at what was the basis for adoption, what kind of follow-up and care situation the child can get abroad, why parents must leave Norway and whether visitation established by the county board or the court can still be feasible . Whether the child will lose contact with family and whether it can be difficult to safeguard the child’s language, religion and culture are also relevant factors.
    5 Foster Placement 5.1 Foster Placement in the child’s family or close network In a volunteer placement or after a care order moves most children to a foster home. In selecting a foster home for the individual child must be the decisive factor in the child’s best. Consideration should be given to the child’s characteristics and needs care in a stable environment. It should also be due regard to the child’s ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic background, how long it is likely that the position will last, and whether it is possible and desirable that the child has access to and other contact parents, ref. Child Welfare Act § 4 -15. 28 See more about abduction of child welfare in Clause 13.2 and: 29 By Norwegian ratification of the Hague Convention 1996, child care could be transferred to other Convention countries, see section 1.8.

    The child welfare service must consider whether the foster parents have the necessary conditions to safeguard the child’s special needs, see regulations on foster care (foster care regulations) .30 That family members is a foster child, provides stability and sure for many children and can provide a greater opportunity to safeguard the child’s language, cultural and religious backgrounds. Moving to family therefore for many children to be best for the child. Child welfare services should always consider whether any of the child’s family or close network can be selected as foster parents, cf. Foster Regulations § 4 second paragraph. The child welfare service must therefore identify the possibility of such placements. Basically, this applies both where members of the child’s family or close network even ask to be considered, and where it is not made any such request. Also the child’s family or close network must initially meet the general requirements for foster parents in foster Regulations § 3.31 These requirements, however, must be set aside anything if it undoubtedly is best for the child to be placed precisely in the family or network. For example, by placing a refugee children with relatives, the relatives because of his situation does not always meet the requirements for economical, large enough housing, social networking etc. The Ministry advised that, under the current regulations are not regulations for placing children with family or network abroad as a measure under the Child Welfare Act. See, however, paragraph 4 of the possibility of alternative monitoring abroad. 5.2 Consideration of the child’s ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural backgrounds child welfare service shall take into consideration the child’s ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural background when selecting foster homes. If the child belonging to a linguistic or religious minority, and no family or close network can be foster parents, it will not always be possible to find a foster home that has the same background as the child. Foster parents who clearly opposes, for example for religious or cultural reasons, should be avoided where possible.
    If the foster parents have a different background than the child, the services must still take into account the child’s ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural background when the child lives in a foster home. The child welfare service is responsible for monitoring children placed in foster care. The child welfare service must therefore consider whether the child has a need for measures to safeguard for instance the child’s language or cultural background in the daily. Some children and parents may for example wish that the child receives language education in their mother tongue or the child may participate in activities related to their cultural background. The child welfare service can work with parents and possibly foreign embassies or communities in Norway on the implementation of the measures. Child should have the opportunity to participate in decisions concerning the child, cf. Welfare Act §§ 3.6 and § 4-1 second paragraph and accompanying regulations.
    6 Visitation 6.1 Assemblage on their native language children and parents, as a rule entitled to be accompanied for a care order, cf..
    30 Regulations on foster care: 31 Foster parents must have special ability, time and energy to give children a safe and happy home. Foster parents must have a stable situation, general good health and good cooperation skills. They must also have economics, housing and social network that gives children opportunity for empowerment. Foster parents must have good repute and must submit a complete police, see the Child Welfare Act. § 10.6, third paragraph.

    Child Welfare Act § 4-19. It is the county board that decides whether and how often it should be gathering and the gathering should be carried out with supervision.
    Children and parents can basically communicate in their mother tongue during gatherings. If the County Board decides that visitation be implemented with oversight, it may also decide to use an interpreter during assemblage. 6.2 Visitation with sibling When it is determined that siblings will be moving in foster care, child welfare service shall endeavor to find a foster home that can accommodate both / all children, unless this is not in their best interests.
    When children live in foster care, child welfare services to facilitate interaction with siblings where consideration for the child does not speak against it. This is stated expressly in the Child Welfare Act § 4-16. Spending time with siblings may imply continuity and preservation of (family’s) affiliation. Siblings are for many a source of friendship and emotional support in childhood. Siblings may have a positive influence on each other’s learning, development and behavior. Spending time with siblings can be of value both during the location, with and without a view to subsequent return to parents, and for adulthood. It is nevertheless important that nobody is forced to spend time with siblings. 6.3 Spending time with other family members is a narrow access to visitation rights established by the County Board for anyone other than the child’s parents. If one or both parents have a very limited right or any right of access, or one or both of the parents are dead, you relatives, or others that the child has strong connection to require that the County Board will decide whether the person shall be entitled to be accompanied by child.
    Relatives or others that the child has strong attachment to wanting visitation with a child in a foster home or institution, can still turn to child welfare services. The child welfare service may allow visitation if they feel it is best for the child and it is not contrary to the county board’s decision. 6.3 Coverage of expenses for visitation when the parents live outside Norway Each municipality shall make the appropriations necessary to provide these services and measures that the municipality is responsible for under the Child Welfare Act, cf. Child Welfare Act § 9-1.Samvær is a measure under the law and the municipality shall therefore cover the necessary means of access. This principle also applies if the parents live abroad.
    Whether it is necessary to cover the parents’ travel expenses of access will depend on an overall assessment of the individual case. It must be evaluated, what is considered reasonable based on the parents’ financial situation. Other factors that may be relevant in assessing the size of the travel costs, parental influence of choice of placement for the child, visitation frequency and if the parents are required to pay upbringing contributions, ref. Child Welfare Act § 9-2. Where parents have low or no personal income, one can imagine situations where even small expenditures to be covered by child welfare services.
    Visitation between children and parents is important and it would be unfortunate if one access arrangements that are considered to be best for the child, is not feasible because of the parents’ inability to cover travel expenses. However, this must always be assessed specifically.
    If parents must leave Norway due to lack of a residence permit or right of residence, while the child is under child welfare care, the Ministry

    perception basically good reasons why child welfare services cover the costs of gathering. However, this will have to be decided after an assessment, including looked to the parents’ finances and the reasons for his parents left Norway.
    A decision on reimbursement of expenses in connection with visitation is an individual. Rejection of reimbursement of expenses can therefore appealed to the county governor.
    6.4 Visas for companionship in Norway If the parents must leave Norway due to lack of a residence permit, it may be difficult to implement visitation. For many, it will be required a visa to travel to Norway, also to exercise a right of access. This will depend on the country of a parent traveling to. There are immigration authorities decide on parents’ application for a visitor’s visa.
    Basically speaking immigration regulation and allowing visas to parents who have received a final rejection of their application for protection (asylum). Under the Immigration Act must however be special emphasis on children’s need for contact with their parents at the weighing of the granting of Schengen visas. There are therefore a liberal visa practices in UDI when unparalleled in Norway is to exercise visitation with children.
    7 Collaborate with immigration authorities 7.1 Child welfare authorities and immigration authorities There are child welfare authorities who have the authority to make welfare decisions. The County Council, or the court on an appeal, may decide that the child welfare service will take care of a child. Immigration authorities, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) and possibly appeal body (UNE) determines whether children and parents who have applied for protection (asylum) can obtain a residence permit in Norway.
    Interests of the child is a fundamental principle for decisions taken both by child welfare authorities and immigration authorities. It is important that both agencies are well informed about the child and family situation before taking decisions affecting the child. It is therefore important that there is a good dialogue between child welfare authorities and immigration authorities when a family has both an immigration and a child care, and that the dialogue be established as early as possible. 7.2 Obtaining information from the immigration authorities and receiving If the child welfare service is worried about a child and the child and the family has an ongoing immigration case, or child welfare services have doubts about the family’s residency status, the child welfare service as early as possible in the investigation case contact with immigration authorities. Directorate of Immigration (UDI) or (UNE) for information on the status of child and parent’s immigration case. The child welfare service has a duty to make child welfare case sufficiently illuminated. If your family has an immigration case will information on the status of the immigration case be particularly relevant when assessing the family situation and the possible need for child care. Immigration authorities have also other information that may be relevant to child welfare case and assessment of interests of the child, for

    example about family and relationships in hjemlandet.32 Confidentiality rules do not preclude the child welfare service collects information from the immigration authorities to inform the child welfare case.
    The child welfare service should also obtain information and cooperate with the asylum reception center if the family lives in a reception. Reception staff can for example have relevant information about the child care situation based on observations or on the basis of conversations with the family. 7.3 Release of information about child welfare case to immigration authorities principle of child’s best interests are a primary consideration when immigration authorities considering the conditions of the children and parents can get a residence permit under the Immigration Act. Information which underlies a decision under the Child Welfare Act and whether the child can be ensured the necessary and proper care in their home country, are circumstances which are emphasized by this review. It is therefore important for the immigration authorities to know whether there is a child care, even when the case is at an early stage, for example. in a study phase or when it considered or adopted remedial measures. It will be particularly important that the immigration authorities are aware that the child welfare service considers to bring proceedings for a care. The outcome of the immigration case could also have implications for how the child welfare case considered.
    The child welfare service has generally confidence information in child welfare cases, also to other Norwegian myndigheter.33 Dissemination of information from child welfare services to the immigration authorities should therefore normally be performed with the consent of parents and children who are party to the case. Child Welfare Service can provide information to others if the person is entitled to confidentiality consent, cf. Public Administration § 13b no. 1.
    Child welfare services should inform parents about the importance of the immigration authorities to be informed that there is a child care. It is important that all relevant information about the family’s situation is known UDI / UNE. Information on child welfare case could have implications for the outcome of the immigration case. If the family seeking asylum, the information about the child welfare case also be required to offer the family appropriate accommodation or other services. The child welfare service should attempt to obtain the consent of the parents if the child welfare services want to provide information to immigration authorities.
    The child welfare service can also provide information to other agencies without parental consent if it is necessary to promote child welfare service tasks or to prevent significant damage to life or serious injury to someone’s health, ref. Child Welfare Act § 6-7 The third paragraph. This means that child welfare services can provide information to immigration authorities, including whether a person’s connection with child welfare and about decisions made, if information is given for the promotion of child welfare service tasks. Child welfare services’ main task is to ensure that children living under conditions that can harm their health and development receive the necessary help and care at the right time. The child welfare service has therefore a key responsibility for safeguarding and protecting children in vulnerable situations. This means that it may be appropriate to provide information about a child care to immigration authorities in connection with the child and parents
    32 an independent expert body for land information (land info) have much general information about conditions in different countries. Landinfo also has information on various cultural issues surrounding the care of children and to child welfare in other countries, see 33 The principle is that information in a child care are personal matters that are subject to confidentiality by the Child Welfare Act § 6-7, cf. Public Administration §§ 13 to 13e.

    utlendingssak.34 Such disclosure requires that child welfare service considers that it is necessary to safeguard the interests of the child. 7.4 Particulars on cooperation in case of a care If the child welfare service considering a care order is especially important that child welfare services collect relevant information from the immigration authorities. Such information shall be included in the assessment of whether the Child Welfare Service promotes the issue of a care order. It will also be important for the immigration authorities to obtain information on child welfare case so that they have all relevant information to assess the interests of the child in the children’s and parents’ immigration.
    If the child welfare service considers to bring proceedings for a care and family has an ongoing immigration case, typical application for extended work permit or an application for asylum, child welfare service should contact the immigration authorities to determine whether the immigration case can be given priority treatment. In this way, the child welfare service clarify the family’s residency status before any issue concerning care being raised. The immigration authorities can not guarantee that the immigration issue can be prioritized and treated within CPS deadlines. If the child welfare service promotes a matter for the county board must information from the immigration authorities submitted to the County Board.
    If immigration case can not be settled before the issue of a care order processed by the County Board, the immigration authorities may instead consider the immigration case in abeyance or give parents a temporary residence permit until the issue of a care order is processed.
    County Council can in a care order to assume that the child welfare service takes the initiative that the case be reprocessed if there are any major changes in the child’s situation, for example, that children and parents have different outcomes application for residence.
    In cases where the child welfare service has taken care of the child before an immigration case is settled, welfare services have a special responsibility to safeguard the child’s interests, also in an immigration case. After a child into care is the child welfare service that has daily and overall responsibility for monitoring the child, cf. Child Welfare Act § 4-16. Information that may be important in the immigration case and that UDI / UNE should be familiar with include:
    – The basis for and expected duration of adoption – child attachment and awarded visitation with parents – the child’s attachment to the foster home
    Such information will be relevant when immigration authorities considering an immigration case. If the County Board makes decisions concerning care after final rejection of the application for a residence permit, this may be a basis for assessing the child (and possibly their parents’) immigration again. Information on child welfare case will be a new piece of information for immigration authorities and parents in such cases the possibility to request a reversal of the rejection decision. Interests of the child shall be referred to also be a fundamental consideration when immigration authorities make decisions under immigration regulations.
    34 See Ministry statements in Proposition. no. 28 (2007-2008) Law amending the Law of 17 July 1992 no. 100 relating to child welfare services, etc.. (Care for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers until settlement or return), page 49.

  4. Împotriva lui Dumnezeu nu poți lupta la infinit; nimeni nu a reușit vreodată performanța asta, și cu atât mai pițin o organizație de tip mafiot axata pe trafic de carne vie.

  5. Este evident ca trebuie sa luptam pentru normalitate intr-o lume anormala care aluneca rapid spre haos.

  6. Ma bucur. Slavit sa fie Domnul.

  7. Slăvit sa fie Domnul

  8. Slăvit sa fie Domnul! El sa lucreze in continuare si sa binecuvanteze lucrarea „mâinilor” noastre!

  9. Slavit sa fie Domnul…Aleluia

  10. Atacul asupra familiei Bodnariu este unul fără precedent în istoria creştinătăţii. Şi este atât de serios şi miza este cu consecinţe atât de uriaşe, încât, dacă te numeşti creştin, nu poţi, nu ai voie să stai nepăsător…. Am scris ceva mai mult aici

  11. Vestea pe care ne-ati dat-o este minunata (daca va fi adevarata)! Ma bucur enorm! Indiferent ce va fi si eu conseder ca trebuie sa continuam lupta pentru atatia copilasi norvegieni care sunt in aceeasi situatie. Pentru ca dupa cum ati vorbit la TV, d-le Ionescu, pentru parintii norvegieni se pare ca este mult mai periculos sa protesteze in tara lor

  12. Haleluiah! Ai port in rugaciune!!

  13. Presiunea continuă pâna la final. Barnevert a avut nevoie de o zi pentru a răpi copiii familiei Bodnariu, deci, acum, au la dispoziție tot o SINGURĂ ZI!!! pentru a-i înapoia pe TOȚI!!!

  14. Stim ca „scumpa este inaintea Domnului moartea celor iubiti de El” si avem convingerea ca fratele Cristi se desfateaza de si in prezenta Domnului, dar sistemul de guvernare norvegian ar trebui sa fie ttas la raspundere si pentru moartea lui.

  15. Domnul e cu noi !!!! Altceva nu pot sa spun ….

  16. Nu putem să ne culcăm pe o pernă și să dormim liniștiți până nu suntem 100% siguri că abuzul îngrozitor suferit de familia Marius și Ruth Bodnariu va înceta definitiv, de aceea creștinii din București sunt îndemnați ca sâmbătă 19 decembrie 2015 să participe în număr cât mai mare la manifestația organizată care va avea loc în fața Ambasadei Norvegiei.
    Mâine-poimâine ne putem trezi și în România cu asemenea drame de neconceput într-o țară civilizată a secolului 21, nu m-aș mira deloc să mai auzim asemenea lucruri dacă nu acționăm.
    NU UITAȚI faptul că scumpul nostru frate Cristi Țepeș A LUPTAT pentru cauza familiei Bodnariu și chiar A PLĂTIT CU VIAȚA din cauza oboselii accentuate și a faptului că s-a consumat la maximum pentru rezolvarea acestei grave probleme. Noi ce facem?!?!?

  17. Daca vor primii copii inapoi, slava Domnului dar eu nu as mai ramine nici o clipa in aceasta tara. Nu stii niciodata ce va aduce viitorul. Daca familiile cu copii vor evita aceasta tara poate si guvernul va intelege pierderile inregistrate fara aceste familii.
    Dumnezeu sa lucreze in continuare la reintregirea tuturor famiilor

  18. Plangem si noi, cei din Germania la vestea aceasta minunata !
    Asa se instaleaza prigoana…. Land copiii si distrugand psihic familiile. Si e numai inceputul. Dumnezeu sa-i intarieasca si sa-i tina aproape de EL.
    In aceasta ” lucrare” a Diavolului au fost uniti nu doar bisericile crestine de toate confesiunile, ci si fratii ortodocsi au simtit alaturi de necazul familiei Bodnariu.
    Dumnezeu sa binecuvinteze fiecare persoana care a adus pe brat de rugaciune aceasta familie, iar pe dumneavoastra sa va rasplateasca pentru toate actiunile facute in Numele Lui pentru aceasta familie.
    Tot respectul, domnule Cristi Ionescu !

  19. Daca se confirma ce relatati, si daca ajungem sa vedem cat de curand (ideal inainte de Craciun) acesti copii reuniti cu parintii lor, ar fi minunat. Doamne ajuta! Dar nu cred ca trebuie renuntat la presiunile de orice natura si la orice nivel, nu trebuie renuntat la protestele planificate pana nu vedem acesti copii back safely to their parents.

    DAR chiar si dupa aceea cred ca ar trebui continuate toate aceste demersuri si protestele pentru ca cei ce au tratat aceasta familie cu atata cruzime si fara inima, cei care au comis abuzuri in modul in care au instrumentat acest caz, sa fie anchetati, sa fie trasi la raspundere, si sa plateasca pentru „nereguli” si pentru cruzimea cu care au tratat aceasta familie (de exemplu.. cum poti sa spui acestor parinti doar la cateva zile, in mijlocul confuziei, spaimei, agoniei de nedescris, ca deja copii sunt bine integrati in alte familii si sunt fericiti si nu le e dor de parinti… Ce fel de oameni „normali”, nu mai zic „professionals”, pot face/spune asa ceva unor parinti deja la culmea disperarii??!!). Deci acei oameni trebuie sa raspunda pentru abuzul comis, pentru modul in care au instrumentat si probabil manipulat detaliile cazului, astfel incat sa reuseasca sa influenteze pana si tribunalul de acolo sa uphelp their decision. Something went horribly wrong there (si cine stie in cate alte cazuri a fost/e la fel) si mizeria aceea trebuie scoasa la iveala si acesti oameni trebuie sa raspunda pentru abuzurile comise si pentru atata suferinta cauzata acestor oameni si cel mai probabil altora. Toata aceasta poveste trebuie folosita ca sa cutremure din temelii acel sistem abusiv si heartless si senseless si sa duca la un sistem mai uman, mai transparent si drept. Cine stie cati alte mame si tati au fost vaduviti de copiii lor si sufera in tacere si fara nimeni sa strige si sa protesteze pentru ei. Si pentru aceia trebuie continuat pana li se va face dreptate celor multi fara voce si pana acest inuman si chiar malefic va fi reformat din temelii.

    Deci cum ziceam in primul rand presiunile si protestele nu trebuie sa inceteze pana nu vedem familia Bodnariu safely reunited si out of that dangerous country. Apoi demersurile trebuie continue ca cei resposabili sa fie trasi la raspundere pana la ultiul personaj care a influentat si a participat la acest abuz – si asta sa fie invatatura de minte toturor „lucratorilor sociali” din acel sistem, si in ultima instanta demersurile trebuie continuate pentru tot ceilalti fara voce care sufera la mana acestui sistem ce trebuie expus, reformat din temelii si pana va deveni unul de bun simt, uman, corect si trasnparent.

  20. „Nu vor munci degeaba, si nu vor avea copii ca sã-i vadã pierind, cãci vor alcãtui o sãmântã binecuvântatã de Domnul, si copiii lor vor fi impreunã cu ei. ” Isaia 65:23
    Doamne, dã izbândã!

  21. Frate Cristian Ionescu,DOmnul sa va binecuvinteze si sa va rasplateasca tot ceea ce a-ti facut si mai faceti pentru aceasta familie si pentru ca ne tineti la curent cu tot ceea ce se intapla cu acesta familie!multumim mult si Domnul sa lucreze la intregirea familiei Bodnariu!!!multa binecuvantare!

  22. Acum e acum! Trebuie sa ne concentram actiunile pentru o victorie decisiva oentru Gloria Domnului!
    The battle is His! He is our banner that will never fall down! Never!

  23. E o lupta tare grea cu statul…sant forte mincinosi. Ma rog in continuare la Bunu Dumnezeu sa vina copilasi acasa..stiu prin ce trece familia si cata durere au copilasi in sufletul lor. ..

  24. Se pare ca se vor face revizuiri la modul în care se vor face analizele in cazurile de abuz al copiilor. Un lucru însă trebuie înțeles de familie si de toti aceia care se stabilesc acolo: Să bati copiii e ilegal. Chiar dacă sunt ai tăi. Această lege va rămâne. Si nu e doar in Norvegia. Sfatul meu pentru familie este ca, după ce isi vor primi copiii să se mute in Romania.

  25. Aleluia Slava Domnului!!!!!!Slavit sa fii Isuse ca lucruri mari faci!!!!Asculta Doamne rugaciunile copiilor tai incontinuare.Iti multumesc Doamne din suflet!!!!Amin.

  26. Doamne ajuta sa fie asa!

  27. Am plans mult inaintea Domnului pentru aceasta familie , stiu ca Dumnezeu nu sta nepasator la atatea lacrimi.
    Doamne ajuta,Doamne da izbanda !

  28. Nu stiu prin ce colt al lumii traiesti crestine roman dar daca ai familie cu siguranta realizezi tragedia prin care trece fr Marius si sora Ruth …..zioa de maine nu stim ce ne rezerva … totii santem in primejdie sa tecem prin asfel de momente indiferent care-i denumirea tarii in care te afli si orcat de democrata ti s-ar parea ca e….ma bucur insa ca DUMNEZEU prin Duhul Lui Cel Sfant ne cheama pe cati mai multi crestini la unitate sfanta in rugaciune si nu numai…. adevaratii crestini stiu ca trebuie sa planga cu cei ce plang….ne este clar la toti ca in spatele acestor oganizatii si oganisme sta cel care uraste tot ce DUMNEZEU iubeste…..daca nu a reusit ca in atatea familii sa ii desparta prin metodele lui diavolul loveste in aceasta familie smulgad pur si simplu cei cinci copii cu forta din mainile lor rupand inima acestor parinti…..este diavolul cu acolitii lui care uraste familia uraste cei Dumnezeiesc mai are putina vreme si incepe sa ne smulga copii din brate din scoli din case…. vor familii dupa bunul lor plac nu dupa cum vrea Dumnezeu dintre un barbat si o femeie… dar nu pot sa faca copii si nii ia pe ai nostri ca sai educe ei sa-i faca ca si ei …..daca esti departe crestine drag de aceasta familie si poate nu poti protesta in vreun fel poate nui poti ajuta material poti insa sa intri si tu in post si rugaciune impreuna cu familia ta cu biserica unde te aduni cu fratii e timpul nostru sa facem ceva ……imi doresc mult ca Dumnezeul care a facut cerurile si pamantul singurul Dumnezeu adevarat sa dea biruinta acestei familii….sa continuam sa ne rugam cu totii si sa sustinem cum putem fiecare aceasta familie si toate familiile care sant intro asfel de situatie…este aproape biruinta care vrea sa o dea Dumnezeu acestei familii ….marit sa fie DUMNEZEU…..

  29. Am sperat mai mult ca alta data, am plins asa cum altii au facut-o si Dumnezeu ne-a vazut si luat ”temperatura lacrimilor ”si suferintei impreuna cu parintii copiilor-Botnariu.
    Am suferit diferit fiind vorba despre copii, viata lor, maternitatea distrusa si furtul de la sinul mamei, am suferit si acoperit cu lacrimi pozele in care una din fetite facea impreuna cu tatal cirnatii pentru familie.
    Am plins vazind copilasul de sin care a zimbit cind a auzit glasul si cintarile parintilor.
    Am avut ultima saptamina un impuls pronuntat al suferintei , sciind ce simteam adica; Dumnezeu va scrie VICTORIE in dreptul acestei familii incercate dar credincioase Lui .
    Nu ma supar ca am fos facuta TIMPITA pentru crezul meu , de unul care n-are deloc nadejde in Dumnzeu… ( din Alba -Iulia-Romania)
    Ma supara ”crestinii -crestinei” care n-au investit nimic in aceasta suferinta luind-o ca pe ”o stire!”
    Poate ca i-am judecat …poate!
    Dar ma gindeam ;oricaruia dintre noi daca ni s-ar fi furat puii din brate cum fura uliul puii … nu stiu cum si cit am fi suferit si nadajduit in Dumnezeu!
    Am inteles ,am vazut si ma bucur tot cu lacrimi ca suntem cu ADEVARAT COPIII LUI DUMNEZEU !
    Sa nu uitam ca dintre copiii rapiti de la alte familii sunt si de alte religii -musulmane , astfel putind sa experimenteze puterea ADEVARATULUI DUMNEZEU:
    Sa nu-si ia NIMENI prada de razboi din aceasta Victorie!
    Noi TOTI care am plins , suferit impreuna cu parintii si copiii acolo unde ori fii fost, suntem parte sfinta a biruintei peste intuneric primul fiind DUMNEZEU!
    NU vreau sa citesc nici un nume pamintesc aici!




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  4. O lume pe dos. Cazul Bodnariu va schimba mizerabilul „sistem de protectie sociala” din Norvegia? (Video) | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA - 19 decembrie 2015

    […] care Barnevernetul sa dea inapoi spre repatriere copiii luati din familii etnice, citim pe blogul Popas pentru suflet. Asteptam. Dar cele mai mari asteptari le avem de la Dumnezeu. Noi avem copiii acasa, langa noi. […]

  5. O lume pe dos. Cazul Bodnariu va schimba mizerabilul „sistem de protectie sociala” din Norvegia? | ARMONIA MAGAZINE - USA - 19 decembrie 2015

    […] care Barnevernetul sa dea inapoi spre repatriere copiii luati din familii etnice, citim pe blogul Popas pentru suflet. Asteptam. Dar cele mai mari asteptari le avem de la Dumnezeu. Noi avem copiii acasa, langa noi. […]

  6. O lume pe dos. Cazul Bodnariu va schimba mizerabilul „sistem de protectie sociala” din Norvegia? (Video) – - 20 decembrie 2015

    […] care Barnevernetul sa dea inapoi spre repatriere copiii luati din familii etnice, citim pe blogul Popas pentru suflet. Asteptam. Dar cele mai mari asteptari le avem de la Dumnezeu. Noi avem copiii acasa, langa noi. […]

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